My Dream Zalora Valentine's Day Outfit
Valentine's day is the one day of the year when I turn into a cake eating monster. Kidding. I'm always a cake eating monster! Give me chocolates, give me sweets, give it all... to me.But boxes of chocolate and gorging aside, I do sincerely love the whole spirit of the season. Spring is in the air and you get tons of candy! What's not to love?You probably can already tell from the picture above, but my recent exploits into Asian fashion has been taking a very interesting turn. Although there have been some outlandish 'frou frou' outfits, that belong on set of a Tim Burton movie; I have also found ensembles that have really grabbed my attention. I'm by no means a fashionista, but I have never turned down an opportunity to get all dolled up. And with the fact that my German is coming down for Valentine's day; I've put together an outfit that'll sure to bring out the inner girly girl in me. One thing I love about living in Bangkok, is the fact that I can wear whatever I want. I don't have to worry about coats, or umbrellas (so much), so I went for went for it this time and picked an outfit that I've always wanted to wear, but the abysmal English weather would never allow me.We'll be going to see a film and then on a late night dinner cruise, so I had to find a saccharinely classic dress that could be switched up from day to night. It's clean, light and screams cutesie. Barbie would be proud.I wonder how much chocolate I'll get?